Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Interview w/ Miss_LolitaF's BFF, PrincessLicha !

From Right: Alica, Lolita

Today, I have the chance to share with all of you an interview I conducted with PrincessLicha. Owner of Big Brother Stardoll, and Miss_LolitaF's account. She speaks about Lolita, Big Brother Stardoll, and her other friends on stardoll. 

Supa: How did you meet Lolita?
PL: It was a long time ago before LollyPop was famous.. she message me saying we should be friends in a request & the rest is history :D

Supa: How long did you personally know she's leaving?
PL: Lolita keeps this kinds of thinks private so I knew the day of.. which was horrible for me & all her friends

Supa: Your the owner of BBS (Big Brother Stardoll), but not the founder.. how did you get that position?
PL: Lolita pass it down to me :) a talk we had & I agreed on.. she has told me many times how she proud that she passed it down to me :)

Supa: What is something everyone else doesn't know about Lolita except you?
PL: LollyPop tells me many personal things about her & her life which I choose to keep priviate :) What were her (Lolita's) very last words to you? I can't seem to remember her EXACT words.. I believe it was a conversation we had before she logged off for the last time.. which the conversation is priviate :) we said our good byes I told her how much I'm going to miss her & how I wish she wouldn't leave.. she said Don't worry we are still going to keep in touch our friendship isn't I'll give you my email ...& she logged off :) & I found her email in my inbox (doll mail)
Supa: Who are your other good/best friends on stardoll?
PL: Paria10 of course! (Reza) His one of my closes friends & Mel!! Bluegreen86 I love her to death! & alany456 (melissa) so fun to talk to! All great friends! Lolita was my #1 Friend & we will always be best friends!
Supa: What items did Lolita give you?
PL: She gave me a lot of items but nothing will replace her
Supa: Do you still stay in contact with her (Lolita)?
PL: Yes! We are always emailing each other :D she's on vacation right now ;D

Supa: How has BBS been going for you?
PL: It's been doing great! The Season competition is starting, and the grand prize is 2,000sd! & Bluegreen86, filipinhamaria, and UndamyUmbrellla will all be guest judges at the end!
Supa: Do you have any new projects coming out soon?
PL: No, HAHA I won't be doing any "new" projects I'll be starting college soon & won't have time to keep up with anything "new"
 Supa: Describe yourself in 3 sentences.
PL: Honest, Fashionable, Friendly :D

Supa: Thanks for letting my interview you !

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