Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Need a Virtual Pedicure?

Stardoll have now added feet to the Beauty Parlour. Hooray you say? Look at the giant feet! Ick! I'm not one of those people that is freaked out by feet but really this is a virtual game! I am no way near as skinny as my doll so I would like my feet to look ideal also.

These are certainly realistic looking but they look wierd to me :/

The good news is you don't have to buy more nail varnish for these, any that you've bought already for fingernails are in your varnish box.

The bad news is you do have to buy seperate accessories for your nails.

The biggest blunder? No toe rings! :/

Oh and also if you have anything done to your nails you wouldn't be able to change your shoes.

So am I alone in thinking the feet are ugly? Or am I just being shallow? Let me know!

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