Saturday, July 23, 2011

New Hotbuys Turbans Released!

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Hey guys! What have we all got planned for summer? I can't wait, no more 'Chloe get to sleep it's 11 o'clock!' I can stay up as long as I wish(; Anyway, back to stardoll... today two, yes two, hotbuys came out! They're pretty similar and they're not designed to my liking. My doll has a different style to what these hotbuys show.

*Click to enlarge*

As I said, I don't like them and to be honest, I'd rather be reading a nice book or texting my friends than be buying hotbuys on stardoll. The prices are 11 stardollars per turban, which, compared to other hotbuys we've had, isn't half bad I guess.

So, will you be buying these two hotbuys or will you let it slip?


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